". Arranged Words

11 Feb 2025

Bright Side

Hi everyone,

Starting out on the bright side today with a pic of flowers. Love the colours--so uplifting.

Just now we have a few feet of snow with more storms on the way, so I haven't been out and about to my usual haunts to take photos for a while.  We are, however, really enjoying  longer days. 


                                Green tea in the mug. The wood cut is by Elizabeth Harbour.

                                  Love is in the air too.  Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

                                                                          * * *


                                                   Soft pastel on Clairfontaine Pastel Mat paper

Above a large sheet of Pastel mat paper that I've been putting off cutting to specific sizes.

Since I have precision challenges, I called on Chat GBT and ask the best and most efficient way to cut the sheet into 5 x 7 inch pieces. What a wonder. Spit out the info in a few seconds. Too bad the program couldn't cut paper as well. :) 

Great to have sized paper on hand. Now I can easily grab a piece of paper and paint a small painting.                                              



Tried out Canson XL cold press, sketchbook paper. I think it is wood pulp paper. Not as good as cotton rag but not bad.  Still working on the pears. Will see what happens when I erase the outline and then paint some shadows under the pears. 
Plan to paint the pears using soft pastels as well.

At the end of the month, I will be closing my Etsy shop.  It's difficult to get seen there, and the fees have gone up again. 
Another drawing. 
Linking to Nicole's Friday Face Off link party among others.

'Til next time... 

                                                 Happy Valentine's Day!

                             Linking to other Link Parties via my link party page.

                                                   Thanks to all for hosting!
                                                    Cultivate Your Dreams