". Arranged Words: The Blue and White Series ~ Botanical Blueprints continued

2 Feb 2016

The Blue and White Series ~ Botanical Blueprints continued

I was afraid that it might happen and it seems it has. My blue pen, with a mind of its own, has taken over my sketches. But I've also ordered a sepia pen because I've always loved the old sepia paintings and sketches, so perhaps there's hope for me yet.
Lorraine, who blogs at Paper Vernissage, mentioned that my blue sketches remind her of  blueprints, so she cleverly came up with the name "Botanical Blueprints."  Thank you, Lorraine. I do love that name!

Next up, sketches that I've been contemplating naming The Staying Alive Series because these sketches include or will include birds, plants, mammals, fish, mollusks etc, that are either endangered, threatened, on the special concern list, or have been extirpated from this area. Unfortunately, if I expand Canada wide, I will probably find enough material to keep me occupied for a long time. But I do feel compelled to draw and later paint some of these wonderful birds, plants etc. because they are simply fabulous and do enrich our world with their unique beauty and, in the case of the birds, their wonderful songs.
Of special concern, the Canada Warbler because 90% of their habitat in South America has disappeared and their habitat is shrinking in Canada as well.
Also included on the special concern list the West Virginia White Butterfly, an American Hart's Tongue Fern, and, unfortunately, the glorious wee Bird's Foot Violet is no longer in this area.

An endangered Prothonotary Warbler. And in the picture an elm tree. (Did I mention I love trees?) That innocent looking beetle to the left is the cause of Dutch Elm Disease. The good great news: the elm has been cloned to keep them from extinction by the by professor Praveen Saxena at the University of Guelph.
Someone ask about my latest sketchbook. Its by Alexander Hendry of A Graphic. I am searching for more.

 * * *
I have a new server, so if you've noticed a new email subscription from me on your site that's why. I've also re-subscribe in readers.  Also, it's regretful that Google decided to expel anyone that has signed up on Google Friend Connect who doesn't have a google account from our lists, so for those people that I've lost from on GFC, please re-subscribe via email or a reader.

Enjoy the week...


  1. I could look at your Botanical Blueprints, forever, they are just beautiful. It is sad isn't it, that so many of our flora and fauna are quickly are endangered.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out. I do love your Botanical Blueprints. I have a blue Micron pen also but it seems so much of a darker blue and not as pretty as yours. What a wonderful way to celebrate all those species.

  3. Botanical Blueprint - that is very clever! A perfect name for your beautiful drawings. It is so sad indeed that so many of the species in our beautiful blue world are disappearing. It makes me really sad when I see or read about the ones existing only in captivity. Staying Alive series is a wonderful idea.


  4. Beautiful, I love all the detail in your Botanical Blueprints.

  5. Lovely! Controlled yet expressive at the same time. This is my first time visiting from Creative Everyday. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I'll be back for more next week!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie.I did enjoy visiting your blog as well, and I'll checking in to see what you are up to.

  6. I love this series! The birds are just delightful and in blue, my favorite color. What a wonderful way to preserve the delicate things from nature.

    1. Hi Sandra.
      Thank you. Blue does flatter the eye, I think. It's my absolute favourite too!


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~ Dixie ❤️