". Arranged Words: Autumn in Full Swing

6 Oct 2020

Autumn in Full Swing

Hi there,

                                      Well dressed maples. I think they might be showing off. 

At this time of year, I my senses pick up. Everywhere I look, wonderful colours catch and hold my attention. Over head I see and hear the geese; they will soon be honking out their goodbyes. The squirrels are busy, scurrying everywhere looking for nuts to fill their stores. And I can smell the scent of autumn's magic. I wish all this beauty would last. But the rains will come soon and wash the leaves away. Until then I will be outside as much as possible, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of autumn.

                                               So many beautiful paint box colours in this picture.

                             My son, Jesse, was with me and we walked this path seldom taken. We saw a rabbit and I believe a coyote in stealth mode.                                                                  

A drive by photo. The picture: a blurry cornfield that I cropped so that you wouldn't get dizzy, but just look at the colour of the sky! Amazing!
In case you are wondering what corn. It's cattle corn and the last of the harvest that will be brought in later this month. Before tractors had lights, the farmers worked late into the night under the light of the harvest moon. Hence the name harvest moon.

                                                      Dahlias really love the cool weather.    

I can't resist picking up pretty leaves.

And what would autumn be without pumpkins? I've been decorating a few, using FW acrylic ink. Pumpkins...weird material to draw on. For the next one, I will use a pencil instead of pen, although ink can easily be removed with rubbing alcohol. 
Easy to do... just wash and dry the pumpkin, and a sealant would have helped the paint glide easier.  I used two coats of black ink, and three coats of white; it requires another coat of white, but I am off to press.
"Along the River"

A  pastel painting that I painted awhile ago.

As we all know, 2020 has been a year. Events have been happening that we can all do without.  But with Thanksgiving day coming up on Monday, I have been taking stock and thinking about what I am thankful for. Among other things, although this one is at the top of my list, I am thankful and grateful that my 97 year old mother recovered from pneumonia that she had in late February. After two and a half weeks in the hospital, spent mostly without visitors because of Covid restrictions, she passed go and was sent home in good health. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Thank you all for the lovely comments on my last post.

Be safe and well!

'Til Next Time...

Cultivate Your Dreams

Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. Ladies, many thanks for hosting. 


Dawn said...

Welcome to the Mosaic Monday link up. I don't think I've seen your post before.
Love the dahilas and how you arranged the leaves.
So wonderful your mom is better.
Have a blessed week.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Kim said...

Dixie, those trees are indeed in the prettiest of Autumn-hued frocks...so pretty. Love your painting of the wolf howling at the moment on the pumpkin; so very imaginative. I can well imagine those box of paints are jostling about with frenzied activity with all the inspiration that surrounds you. My goodness, your mum is a very strong lady. To think at the age of 97 she has recovered through all her sickness. How wonderful; something which I am quite sure you are all so thankful for. May your Thanksgiving be a beautiful one as you reflect on all those little blessings that thrill your every day.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are gorgeous. The autumn colours have so much more depth in the East. I remember living up North on Highway 11 and looking out my front window at the beautiful trees changing colour in the fall. Yes it has been quite the year. Hopefully some of the pain will pass away with the U.S. Elections and I never have to look into that horrid face again. And once a vaccine is found for the virus, we may be able to 'come back out into the world'. Love, Joannie

Angie said...

Dixie - Happy Thanksgiving to you! You are right; no matter how dismal things may seem, we can always find something for which to be grateful! I liked the picture of the path seldom taken, and the dahlias are gorgeous! I have seen painted pumpkins, but have never tried it - yours is spookily special! Thanks so much for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

Veronica Lee said...

WOW! You've really captured Autumn in her full glory!

Love the photos!

Joyful said...

Beautiful scenes. Your mother's recover is indeed something for which to be thankful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Rain said...

Oh that's good news about your Mom...wow! Your photos are lovely. I love how you decorated your pumpkin!! And your pastel painting is beautiful! I started using pastels not too long ago and I really like them. Thanksgiving...well, ours is Monday too and I do have so much to be thankful for. :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

My Mom is a strong lady for sure. Part wonder woman, I think. :)
Also, and with thanks prayers were answered.
I can’t take credit for the wolf imagine. I’ve seen images like it many times, but
It was fun to draw and paint.
Many thanks, Kim.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Dawn,
I do link with Mosaic Monday when I post, especially now that the link is
open longer. Angie does a wonderful job of hosting!
Thank you and enjoy the week...

Lady Fi said...

Wow - those maples are extravagantly beautiful!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Angie,
I agree. If we look around we can always find something to be grateful for.
Thank you for your lovely comments. And thank you for hosting.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I was lucky to be out there at the perfect time.
I love the colours; they are so vivid.
Thank you, Veronica Lee.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

The colours are especially lovely this year, Joannie.
Yes, it will be wonderful when we can all enjoy life to the fullest again.
Thank you.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

She’s remarkable, my Mom. And we are all grateful.
Joyful such a lovely name.
Thank you.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I am pleased to hear that you like pastels, Rain. They are fun.
One day I hope to try them with velour paper.
Enjoy Thanksgiving. Many thanks...

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

They are stunning trees. I stood there a long while admiring the beauty, Lady Fi.
Enjoy the week...

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely pastel painting and delightful autumn photos ~ Nature's amazing colors Xox

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Peabea Scribbles said...

Fall is definitely an awesome artist for the colors it uses, whereas Winter just whites and dull browns on some days. Winter though can make up for it with unusual skies. :)

betty-NZ said...

Each photo has a great story to tell! How cool to see a coyote. Love the pumpkin and glad your mom got to go home!

I'm happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!!

Tanza Erlambang said...

awesome.... lovely color of Autumn ...
thank you for sharing your beautiful paintings....

Have a great day

NCSue said...

Our trees haven't started to change much yet, but wow - yours are gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/10/snow-in-september.html

Tammie Lee said...

Your autumn colors are so beautiful!
As is your pastel. And your oval of leaves is lovely.
Thank you for your kind message.

Tammie Lee said...

Kind message on my other blog.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful indeed. The path and the clouds, as well as your painting "Along the River" look quite inviting. Love the idea of decorating pumpkins with paint, this one looks ready for Halloween! I am SO very happy to hear your mother is in good health now. Happy Thanksgiving, Dixie!


DVArtist said...

A wonderful post. The photos are amazing. I really like your art as well. Enjoy your day.

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Dixie, nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog today, much appreciated! I'm glad I came over to see your beautiful autumn photos and art. That pumpkin is magnificent! Have a great weekend, stay safe and well! Valerie

Penelope Notes said...

There’s a nice melancholy feeling to “Along The River” … even without the leaves autumn is magical.

Words and Pictures said...

What a beautiful, thoughtful post. So true about the senses being heightened, and I also feel it's to do with the sudden clarity of the air at this time of year. Lovely paintings - both on paper and on pumpkin!
Alison x

sirkkis said...

Beautiful autumnal photos and art.
Happy weekend ❤️

Christine said...

Beautiful fall photos and nice work.

Elkes LebensglĂĽck said...

Wonderful atumnal photos and so beautiful romantic painted picture!
I love this posting and i am happy for her mother that she is healthy again after a serious illness!!!
Be safe and well, Elke

Gillena Cox said...

Alobg The River is a lovely painting. Thanks for dropping by my blog
Happy PPF


Maria Medeiros said...

Really beautiful autumn photos. I love the painting on the pumpkin! Lovely artwork! Have a beautiful weekend!

Tarang Sinha said...

Lovely painting. And beautiful photos. Especially the forest pathway. :)

https://linsartyblobs.blogspot.com said...

Beautiful trees. love your pumpkin.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am happy your mother has recovered and is home. The fall colors are looking beautiful. I love the pumpkin and your painting. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

Gone Tropical said...

What a beautiful Autumn post! the pictures are amazing :-)

Lorraine said...

Belated Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family. So good to hear your mother is feeling better. Those trees that start to color first really do stand out amongst all the green beautifully - the first down the runway of the autumn fashion show. Our dahlias are really thriving now too. They had a rough summer - hopefully we can enjoy them a little longer.