". Arranged Words: Keeping Tabs

24 Nov 2020

Keeping Tabs

Hi everyone,

 One of my favourite things to do: keep tabs on the sky.
There always seems to be something engaging, streaming across the sky. 
Streaming? Maybe, technological jargon has gotten the better of me. 

Other than sky watching, I've been planning a little Christmas cheer. 
I enjoy slowly decking the halls, especially with the smell of cookies baking. 

So many homes here are already beautifully decorated. Baubles and lights of every colour peeking out from everywhere do gladden the heart when the sun sets early. Last night the lights looked especially beautiful because fluffy flakes of snow continued to drift down throughout the evening.

* * *

My four year old orchid showing off. I leave it outside until it turns quite cold. Apparently it likes that. It produces even though it has never been repotted; I keep forgetting to order the proper potting mix.  

* * * 

From the drawing board...      

                                                                      Garden Doodles
                                      Copic multiliner in cool grey. Various pencils on watercolour paper.

Since I don't have a particularly steady hand, I noticed the  grey marker tricks my mind into thinking I am using a pencil and that helps steady my hand. Give me a black pen and I am all over the place. 

 I do have several full sketchbooks, but a lot of my drawings are on tracing paper. By-passing a sketch book saves a lot of time when transferring to watercolour paper, but the sketches are fading. So I've decided, over time, to transfer the sketches to watercolour paper. I may use a large sketchbook that I have on hand. I might section it off, but I am not sure yet. 

I've also been printing stickers for my Christmas card envelopes, using
 a birdie from one of my early watercolour paintings. 
Printed on Avery Stickers #22807.

And, up next,  Holly and Ivy Stickers.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends.

Wishing you well.

'Til Next Time...

Cultivate Your Dreams

Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. Thank you, lovely ladies, for hosting!


Dawn said...

I have not been successful in keeping an orchid alive. Yours is beautiful. Love the drawing as well.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Kim said...

Streaming works for me. =) I too enjoy the beauty of the ever changing skies. Somehow they always speak to my soul. I have seen Dolly Parton on TV a bit lately chatting about her new song. She has the sweetest soul and the way she paints with her lyrical words is always moving and beautiful. There is no-one on this sweet earth quite like Dolly. Dixie, your paintings and artwork always speak to my heart. Your gift with your magical pencils and brushes truly is sublime. Love your Christmas labels. They are filled with whimsy and loveliness. How I love your garden doodles. Enjoy your week as you to continue to deck your halls with Christmassy loveliness.

Angie said...

Dixie - I was just outside in the late afternoon, and the skies were so many luxurious shades of blue! I used to have an orchid very similar to yours, but I must not have cared for it properly ... Your birdie sticker is adorable! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday. I am so happy to see your talents as part of our community!

Sandee said...

Beautiful shots. Wow.

Have a fabulous day and Thanksgiving. ♥

Trekking with Becky said...

The pink in the sky in your first photo is incredible! I've never seen so much (if any) pink in the sky like that.

betty-NZ said...

I, too, enjoy keeping tabs on the sky, there is so much artistry to see up there :) We just inherited some orchids with our new rental but I've never grown them before. Apparently, they LOVE to be root bound--we have one that has busted the pot with roots but bloomed beautifully :)

What a fantastic addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

Villrose said...

Watching the sky is a very good and relaxing thing to do.
Lovely photos!
Have a great week!

Veronica Lee said...

Love all your photos especially the pink sky. How pretty!

Happy Thursday, Dixie!

Kinga K. said...

Amazing sky ❤

Peabea Scribbles said...

Gorgeous skies, and wonderful artwork. Love the stickers.

Gillena Cox said...

Lovely art and photos. Luv Luv the Dolly Parton Song


DVArtist said...

Wow! These are beautiful photos of the sky. Lovely flowers and your art is fabulous. Have a nice day.

Rain said...

Your holiday stickers are really nice Dixie :) We are having some beautiful skies around here too, I love sky watching. What a beautiful flower!

by EAGHL said...

Thank you for all the beauty in your photos, drawings and the perfect message from Dolly.

Christine said...

Enjoyed your lovely post and art.

Linda Kunsman said...

Beautiful skies. I love seeing the colors and changing skies as well. Gorgeous looking orchid! And super drawings and I love your sticker print!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I didn't get out today but yesterday it was cold, anyhow great work ppf
Stay Safe and Coffee is on

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful skies and phktos. Thanks for sharing! Valerie

NCSue said...

Stunning sky shots! So beautiful.
Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/11/sleepy-head.html

https://linsartyblobs.blogspot.com said...

Lovely photos and art.

Hazel (Didos) said...

Love the photos. Wow your Orchid looks fantastic, I only manage about a year with mine. Those wee stickers for your cards are a super idea. Thanks for visiting my blog, Hazel (Didos) x

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Dawn.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Sometimes the skies are just so amazing.
I put the orchid outdoors in late June under a table.
It likes it there out of the sun. I also add a little orchid fertiliser now and then.
I was so surprised and pleased the first time it re-bloomed.
Thank you, Angie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Sandee.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

It doesn’t happen that often, Becky, but when it does
It really puts on a show.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Orchids would love your part of the world.
I bet they bloom well there.
Thanks for hosting, Betty.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you. Enjoy the weekend.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

There’s something wonderful about a pink sky; a pink sky looks especially gorgeous if you are
floating about on the water.
Enjoy the weekend, Veronica Lee.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Pea.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

It is a wonderful song. Dolly keeps producing wonders.
Thank you, Gillena.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi, beautiful sketches from your garden I think. Love the little bird it is perfect for Christmas :)
Thanks for sharing.

BLOGitse said...

Oh, my three orchids are all on holiday, no flowers right now.
Those stickers look great, good idea!

Elkes LebensglĂĽck said...

Wonderful photos and beautiful drawing from Flower and little bird on a Christmas card!
Have a nice Advent season, hug Elke!

Tanza Erlambang said...

Drawing with "various pencils on water color paper" is beautiful...love it.
Thank you for sharing wonderful skies and nice video....

Have a great weekend

Kokopelli said...

Such cute stickers! Perfect for holiday envelopes! The recipients will love them. Happy PPF!

Sharon Wagner said...

Lovely stickers. Happy Holidays!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful flowers and sky photos! The stickers are so sweet too. Love the drawing with the cool grey pen, I think the grey looks so much better than black. Full sketchbooks are so much fun to look at. Do you think a fixative spray would help? I usually do a gentle spray to keep the drawings intact.
