Hi Everyone,
What I miss most in the winter, besides the birds singing are clouds, but so far this year has been surprisingly mild and most days have been cloudy and awash with varies colours to brighten up a monochrome world.
SunriseWhat a change...a minute or so later.
* * *
From the Drawing Board...
An oldie from the botanical blues series.
I haven't painted with watercolour for awhile, so I'll be transposing these peonies to watercolour paper to see what I can come up with.
Unison pastels-a gorgeous gift from my son, Jesse. I have broken them in half and have used them a couple of times. I don't think I am the only one that stares at new pastels a long time before they have the heart to break them though.
Only one Amaryllis bulb in the house this year. I am not sure how that happened. It cost $5.00 so I wasn't expecting much. It turned out to be a winner! It had thirteen blooms and there's one left as I type. I'll put it outside this summer to see if I can
plump up the bulb for another year.
'Til next time...
Cultivate Your Dreams
A lovely Post for Our World on Tuesday. I enjoyed reading. I love your paintings.
Stay healthy and well.
My amaryllis is outdoors and have produced twice in 2020. Aren't they beautiful?
Worth a Thousand Words
It bloomed twice, you say. How good is that!
I think you have an emerald thumb.
Hi Dixie: I love your Amaryllis, and so prolific! WOW! I have had two 'Red Lion' (8 blooms) and a white one, no-name, also 8 blooms. I'm saddened, though, at how quickly they die. Look forward to seeing what you create with pastels. Love, Joannie
An impressing Amaryllis!
Definitely an abundant bloomer. Amazing really. They do die down rather quickly. I try and remember to turn down the heat at night—not sure it helps.
A white Amaryllis must be beautiful, especially next to the Red Lions. Talk about a wow factor.
Your Amaryllis certainly turned out to be a winner! Love it!
It seems your Amaryllis is like a gift
whichh keeps giving; how beautiful it is. Those winter skies of yours are glorious, Dixie.
Wonderful sky shots.
Amazing sky ❤
Beautiful artwork.
...I put our amaryllis bulb in the garden last summer and right now it is a GIANT!
beautiful painting...bird and flowers so perfect.
Have a great day
Lovely skies and beautiful paintings. Your amaryllis is a beauty!
The sky is always amazing to see, even changes from minute to minute!
I, too, am surprised by inexpensive flowers. Yours turned out gorgeous :)
It's so great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!
I am fertilizing the leaves now. :) An early start-- hoping it will bloom as profusely next year.
Yes, I was lucky to buy an amazing bloomer.
Yes, we have been very lucky this winter with a show of wonderful skies.
I am very pleased with that bulb. It's hard to believe that so much goodness and beauty can be in a bulb. Wonderful!
Thank you, Lady Fi
Hi Jade,
Thank you so much!
What a great idea, Tom.
I bet it's gorgeous.
Thank you, Tanza.
Enjoy the weekend...
Hi Pat,
Thank you so much.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Betty,
The sky does change so quickly sometimes. Amazing movie playing overhead.
Thank you and thanks for hosting!
Thank you, Kinga.
Lovely sky photos! I know exactly what you mean with a set of new colors. So hard to finally use them. I got a new set of colored pencils for Christmas and stared at them for a long time. Happy PPF!
These are beautiful winter photos, if it is true with clouds everything looks different.
Nice your old drawing and filling it in with colors is fun.
Great your flower.
Have a good weekend
Greeting Elke
Beautiful drawings!!! Anesha
Beautiful skies. Can’t wait to see the finished Botanical.
Gorgeous sky shots and lovely sketches ~
Moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Wonderful art and photos. Your amarylis is beautiful, mine is doing well, too. Happy PPF, Valerie
Hi Dixie. These are outstanding photos and your art is as well. Have a nice day.
Lovely art. I was gifted an Amaryllis once. It was exciting but it would not survive under my care as do all plants that come my way.
beautiful post of skies, art and flowers Dixie. your amaryllis is gorgeous! Happy PPF!
Wow Dixie, Love those skies! What a beauty! Amaryllis looks awesome. I had painted them once long back! The botanical drawing looks amazing too. Would love to see the finished piece.
Lovely drawing, look forward to seeing them in pastels.
Beautiful photographs! I love looking at the clouds! The flowers look beautiful! happy ppf
Oh what beautiful pastels! So shiny and new - what a brave woman you are to break them in half to begin their lives! Your amaryllis is simply amazing! I must get one next year! 🤩
Such pretty work, well done. Happy PPF
Coffee is on and stay safe
Hi Dixie,
The Amaryllis is just so beautiful!! Oh lol, I'm the same way with new pastels! I can't break them lol! What a nice gift! Your Botanical drawing is so lovely! Beautiful sky photos! :)
Hi, love both the sky and flowers. Love the sketches and would like to see them painted :)
Your art is very beautiful! Love seeing what you've painted!
I enjoyed reading... and I like your paintings! đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź Thank you for sharing.
Happy MosaicMonday
Oooh, look at those rich colored pastels. Your artwork is lovely!
Dixie - I never tire of looking at the sky. We usually have a very cloudy winter, so sunrises and sunsets can be gorgeous, just like your terrific photos. You have such talent in the drawing department!!! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
I look forward to seeing your pastels!
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade
Have a great day ❤
I can't wait for spring now for my Amaryllis to bloom . I am glad you captured the different time period in a day and shared with us, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.
You arrange your lovely sky pictures as beautifully as you arrange your words! And your art. I am so impressed. Have fun with your pastels, what a lovely gift from your son.
Thank you so much, Sallie for your lovely comments.
You too, Kinga.
Hi Angie,
The sky does create a sense of wonder--so fascinating by times and so beautiful.
Thank you so much!
The pastels are beautiful for sure.
Thank you Su-sieee.
Hi Erica,
Many thanks to you.
I've been drawing and painting up a storm lately.
It makes time fly.
Thank you very much, LD.
I will definitely try painting the peonies.
I like to draw in blue pen, so those I leave as is.
Thank you.
Thank you, Rain.
I do wish the Amaryllis blooms lasted longer, but, my, they do put on a show.
Yes, the pastels are hard to break. The first time I bought some I just marveled
at the beauty for ages.
Thank you, Dora.
Tea is on over this-a-way.
Take Care and be safe too.
When it comes to breaking pastels, my bravery often fails for sometime.
Eventually it's a done deal though.
Amaryllis are fun to grow. Sometimes they will grow 2 to 3 inches in one day.
Clouds are it! So much beauty; they heighten my sense of wonder.
Thank you, Ayala.
Thank you, Wendy.
Best Wishes
Thank you for the heart. Always welcome!
An Amaryllis would make a lovely painting.
I have the peonies drawing on the watercolour paper. One of these days I will
begin painting. Fingers crossed that it works out.
Thank you, Deepa.
I try and plant an Amaryllis every year. They do brighten up the place.
Thank you, Linda.
Best Wishes
Sorry to hear that your Amaryllis didn't do well. Generally, they are easy to grow.
I soak the roots overnight in water and then plant. They usually grow fast that way.
Thank you, Granny Annie. Cute name!
Glad to hear your Amaryllis is doing well. What colour did you have?
Thank you, Valerie.
Love that...moment by moment. In the present moment...the very best way to live and enjoy life. Not all that easy to do sometimes, but I am getting better at it.
Thank you, Carol.
Thank you, Christine.
I am hoping it works out. Time will tell.
Thank you, Anesha.
I've never really tried coloured pencils, but I've seen some wonderful painting done with them. Thank you.
Happy PPF to you too!
Thank you Arun.
And thanks for hosting at the "Garden Affair."
Hi Elke,
The Amaryllis do know how to show off.
Thank you.
Enjoy the weekend too.
Best Wishes.
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