Hi Everyone,
Spring appears to be in the air one day and gone the next. Fierce March winds have been blowing everything about. But I don't mind the wind. I love to hear it blow and it helps the snow disappear.
In March, long ago, skipping along as children we always said over and over, "March winds, April showers, bring forth May flowers." In this ever changing world, I am glad to report that that still holds true.
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
I haven't seen a robin yet. Too early I suspect. I do open a window in the morning and listen for their songs. So far I've heard: Geese (love to hear and see the geese flying over) and Crows and Starlings. Crows and Starlings are not the best singers, but a bird has to start somewhere.
* * *
From the Easel and other Tall Tales.
I've heard of the Sketchbook Project, and I was surprised to receive this in the mail. It's from Brooklyn Art Library in New York. Why am I surprised? Well, because I didn't order it. (Just to be sure, I checked my Visa.) I assume some lovely person had it sent to me. So whoever you are (I have my suspicions) I would like to thank you personally, so please let me know who you are. For now, I thank you so much! And I appreciate your kindness.
Rules: Art must remain within the 5 x 7 inch parameters, no gesso, and you can opt to have it digitized.
The library also has a bookmobile and they drive across the country, now and then, with the collection. Mine's from Volume 18 and it must be sent in by August 31, 2021. I may fill it with flowers. Decisions, decisions.
Cultivate Your Dreams
Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. Thank you, ladies, for hosting.
I wish I had the gift of art. Sigh.
Love your paintings. Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/03/oh-tommy.html
You are so right about March being so unpredictable. The temperature changes and winds are very dramatic aren't they! Your artwork is beautiful - a feast for the eyes. I hope you have fun with your sketchbooks. Sounds like a great project.
Hi Dixie: I love your paintings. The one with the road which immediately gets my eye, makes me want to go and walk on it to find out what's at the end! I saw THREE robins yesterday, lovely and fat. I couldn't believe my eyes. My sister who lives in the country saw a bunch of robins several days ago. So maybe they're all on their way to you! :) Love, Joannie
Oh, a sketchbook filled with your art, Dixie, would be a most beautiful thing. To slowly turn each page and drink in the wonder of each artwork would be bliss. I enlarged your latest pastel on the easel so I could see all the details. AND....I must say, I have gazed at it for a very long time. It truly is magical. I am loving these landscapes of yours. I wonder who sent the sketchbook to you?? Do you know, when I was reading your post a name came into my mind. Another amazing artist...I wonder if it was she?? Hope your robins visit soon.
Thank you, Sue.
Enjoy the week.
March does give us a run for it, Lorraine. I love the light it brings though.
The sketchbook project will be fun. It would be great if you joined in and
filled a sketchbook too.
Thank you.
Best Wishes
Thank you, Joannie.
Oh robins! How nice. Can’t wait to see them hopping about the lawns.
I am sure they are winging their way here.
Have a wonderful week, and thank you for visiting too.
Thank you, lovely Kim. It will be fun to fill up the sketchbook and ship it off to Brooklyn. Yes, I believe we must be thinking of the same wonderful artist. Can’t wait to find out!
The robins will be in my area soon. It’s a major happening here in Canada. People are excited to see the robins. And they let you know they saw the first robin too. It’s a break through to spring.
Have a wonderful week, Kim.
Typical March weather! Lovely shots.
flowers look so beautiful....must be attractive on the cards.
Happy easter
Your artwork is just fabulous to see!
I really enjoyed your photos, too.
Thank you for being a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!
Your artwork is BEAUTIFUL, Dixie. Love the fabulous photos.
Thank you, Lady Fi.
Thank you, Tanza.
Thank you, Betty.
Best Wishes
...we have had similar weather here. Your first drawing is my favorite.
Thank you,Tom.
I fashioned the first painting from a spot in the Yukon.
I appreciate your comments, Veronica Lee.
Thank you.
Lovely artwork ~ elegant ~
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you, Carol.
Enjoy the day.
What a lovely gift and what an interesting project. I have been thinking about making a book with one year of my photos and short stories of my travels - but it seems like a lot of work.
I think your flowers would make a lovely book.
Love the Dickens quote.
That sounds like a lovely idea, Dawn.
Doing a bit at a time will get the job done, and what
a book that would make.
Thank you.
First time here! Your blog is amazing.
I'm glad I discovered it, due to your visit!
Beautiful images and creations!
Thank you again and have a beautiful week ahead!
I am glad you stopped in, Suzana.
Thank you so much.
Enjoy the week.
Your art is beautiful, thanks for sharing. Happy PPF, Valerie
Hi Valerie,
Thank you so much.
Enjoy PPF!
Beautiful job! One day I hope to add real painting as an art medium. For now, I'm happy with sketching either in my art pad or using my iPad Procreate drawing app to create my designs. I'm visiting from Create with Joy. Have a good weekend!
Wow, such beautiful paintings. We have a lovely pair of Robins in the garden. Sure they will be around yours soon. Anesha x
Nice that someone sent that to you. Your art is lovely, so light but full of life. Have a nice weekend.
Beautiful art Dixie! I love the softness with your soothing color palette.
We have robins now here in PA:)
And how thoughtful of someone to gift you with the sketch book for that special project. Enjoy, and happy PPF!
Oh good for you. Robins are so much fun to watch.
Tomorrow I'll go out on a scouting expedition.
Thank you, Anesha.
I'm happy to hear that you have red robins bobbing along in your area. When the song birds arrive, I throw open the windows to hear them sing in the mornings and again in the evenings. They know how to live--sing before and after work.
It will be fun to fill up the sketchbook. It was such a lovely surprise. Time flies, so I better start early.
Thank you, Linda.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Cathy,
Many artist use Procreate these days. It's a lot less messy.:) I've tried Procreate a few times, but the Apple Pencil has a vendetta out for me. More practice time could help.
Thank you and thanks for visiting.
Have a good weekend.
Lovely work!
What beautiful delicate works of art Dixie, I especially love the pastel amazing work.
Happy PPF Tracey xx
Thanks, Christine.
Enjoy the weekend.
Thank you, Tracy. Pastels are a fun medium.
Happy Spring and PPF too.
Lovely work of art. I'm also taking part in Brooklyn sketch book project and like most thing it slow going. Happy PPF
Coffee is on and stay safe
have a great weekend
There does seem to be a lot of pages in that little sketchbook.
A two page spread here and there should help fill it up.
Thank you.
You too. Enjoy the weekend.
Your artistic ability is really a great gift. I enjoyed your photos and art today.
Dixie - we knew it was too good to be true - our run of blue sky, warm sun days has come to an end with a snow storm. But we are happy that the mountain will be getting some fresh snow and extend our skiing season! Your drawings are lovely - the pastels make them so soft and dreamy. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
Your art and photos are gorgeous. Happy Monday. I am at #11 on the linky today
What a lovely gift and just perfect for you! Love your pretty notecards and all of the Spring scenes!
Thank you and thanks also for visiting, Carol.
I am looking forward to visiting. Thank you, Gillena.
Definitely a lovely gift. So surprising.
Thank you.
What could be finer than skiing in the spring? Always a lovely time to be on the mountains, or trails.
Thank you, Angie. And thank you for hosting.
Enjoy the week.
It was a great surprise. Now I must get busy and fill it up.
I do tend to gravitate towards high key paintings. I'd like a pair of the Note Value Specs. Maybe the Easter Bunny will make a trade for eggs.
Thank you. Have a lovely weekend, Nicole.
Lovely pastel sky photos, and cards look wonderful! I would probably stop to see every wildflower up close in your painting!
Fabulous nature ♥
Happy weekend ❤
The wildflowers are on the way.
Thanks very much, Soma.
Thanks, Kinga.
And to you, too. Enjoy!
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