". Arranged Words: Outbound ✈️

7 Oct 2013

Outbound ✈️

Although I like spring better, autumn is a beautiful time of year. But, for me, it always brings with it a certain restlessness that, no doubt, hearkens back to the days when one's clan/tribe broke camp and moved on.When the leaves fall and the skeins of honking geese take to the wing, that restlessness intensifies and then my nomadic urge to move on really clicks in. So, luckily, this fall my bags are packed and I am more than ready to go. 

Enjoy these lovely autumn days, and if you are in the southern hemisphere, happy spring! 

The morns are meeker than they were
The nuts are getting brown
The berry's cheek is plumper
The rose is out of town

The maple wears a gayer scarf
The field a scarlet gown
Lest I should be old-fashioned
I'll put a tinket on

Emily Dickinson


Carolyn said...

You express so well the "restlessness" that I have been feeling. It may be an inherited urge, like those of the (skeins of) geese at wing. Spring is full of hope and rebirth. Fall brings reflection and uncertainty. (Actually, it is certain that there will be a lot of cold and darkness.) Like you, I like spring much better.

Happy travels, Dixie! Blue skies and green lights to you!

Penny said...

Dixie... you sound like my traveling grandfather who would disappear for a year at a time. Come to find out -- looks like he had another family in Canada (dirty dog). You don't have another family, do you? Hope you enjoy your travels -- wherever they take you. Look forward to photos and stories.

FYI... Dave enjoyed my novel so much that he suggested I resubmit. Still pondering. I'll let you know, one of these days. Happy fall. :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thanks, Penny. I had a great trip!
O my... how long did he get away with that?
I am glad that Dave liked your novel. Do resubmit! I am looking forward to reading it!!!