". Arranged Words: Glicee Prints

29 Nov 2016

Glicee Prints

November 29, 2016
Today, I added this Gilcee print to my shoppe.  "Pretty Boy" is  a Resplendent Quetzal. A magnificent bird who is at home in the forests of Central America.  I'd love to see one.

It's a  grey day here today so it's been a challenge to capture the colours, although this picture is very close to the original. He's a bright boy!

Yesterday, I finished an new version of a painting that I've painted before.  The image below will be on Christmas cards, which I am about to order.

Of course, I can't forget my real feathered friends.; I have been out and about and have seen a few birds, although most have left the country for warmer climes.  But, luckily,  sometimes they pop by for a visit and perch in the trees outside my window.

The Three Musketeers.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a wonderful week...


Anonymous said...

Hi Dixie:

Love your little birds. So sweet. So colourful. Thank you for writing this blog! Love, Joannie

Lorraine said...

Beautiful birds. Your Christmas bird will make a lovely card.

NatureFootstep said...

I visited Costa Rica some years ago and was lucky to both see and potograph the Resplendent Quetzal. It is a gem among birds.