". Arranged Words: And the Days Go By

23 Jul 2024

And the Days Go By

                                                                      First Light
 Hi everyone,

This makes three sunrises I've seen this summer. The show starts a bit early for me. Just now the sun peeks its head over the horizon at 5:36 a.m. 


 We've had extreme heat waves this summer. Unbelievable really.  
 Now when the temperature drops to 24 C or 75.2 F it seems cool. On the hot days, I usually stay in, but yearn to get out there to enjoy the summer breeze. The good news: temps often drop after sundown, so it’s a perfect time for a walk. 

Unfortunately, forest fires are raging again this year. Among others, there was an evacuation order for a town I used to live in. 7000 people were evacuated from Labrador City to Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Nfld. The route took them over the worst unpaved “highway” I've ever encountered. And I have covered a lot of unpaved territory, including the shale cover of the Dempster Highway. But my drive to Goose Bay was a long time ago, so perhaps things have improved. I certainly hope so.

Because of the wonderful firefighters and the gift of rain, the evacuation order was lifted on Monday. 
People are returning to there homes which have, thankfully, been saved. Wonderful!

                                                            Can't resist the peonies.
Green tea

                                              Linking, among others, to T stands for Tuesday


* * * 
Easel and the drawing board items...

                                              Trying out acrylic paint on a linen panel. (In progress)

Debating whether to add a small Goldfinch to the left side. I also want to make the foreground darker to incorporate a range of values. Maybe mix the light green paint with black which I do not have to make a deep green? I am used to mixing watercolour and acrylic is very different. Of course, I may just buy some green paint and call it a day. Sounds like a plan. 
 Speaking of Goldfinches, they are a joy to watch. Here in late August, they feast on thistle seeds. They are experts at fishing the golden seeds out of the fluffy interior of the thistles.
The fluff floats on the breeze and when I turn a corner and happen upon a finch or two, they will sometimes ignore me and carry on. 

                  Another drawing from Sargent's Portrait Drawing book.  Didn't quite get the tilt of the head correct etc. Fun to try these master copies though.

Tip: the distance between the eyes, should be the same as the width of an eye.

                                                             Pastels on Pastelmat paper. 
                              I'll be travelling here and there soon, and will be back in the fall.
                              So have fun and be well.

                                             'Till next time...

                                                                  Cultivate Your Dreams 

                                 Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. 

                                                  Thanks to all for hosting!


Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, what a fabulous post! Loving your mug and your artwork is beautiful - love it 😊. I hope you are staying cool in all that heat. Happy T Tuesday wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Mae Travels said...

Goldfinches are really pretty little things! Your paintings are lovely, and it would be nice to add one.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

CJ Kennedy said...

Beautiful eye candy in this post. We have dozens of goldfinches that visit the feeders. They also like to nosh on the petals of the sunflower seeds. Happy T Day

Veronica Lee said...

Your summer sunrises sound wonderful, and I’m glad to hear that the evacuation orders were lifted and homes were saved. Your painting project sounds exciting—adding a Goldfinch could be a lovely touch. Mixing colors can be a fun challenge, so I’m sure you’ll find the perfect shade of green.

Loving your artwork as always!

Veronica lee @ https://ofmiceandramen.blogspot.com

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Late today because I had an 8 am appointment that lasted longer than I expected. Beautiful sunrises. I love the muted colors of the early morning sky. Your paintings are going nicely. Love the flower. Lovely goldfinches. I don't see them here in Kansas. What a fabulous tea cup and it is absolutely perfect for T this Tuesday, too.

craftytrog said...

A wonderful post! I love your art, and goldfinches and peonies.
Thanks for your comment on my index card art.

My name is Erika. said...

Wow, that face is amazing Dixie. And I'm glad that evacuation order was lifted. The fires were so bad all over the place last year and it seems like this year is no better. I love all the flowers in all their forms in this post. I hope you had a super T day. hugs-Erika

NCSue said...

Oh those skies are stunning. Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-visit-to-philadelphias-reading.html

Sandee said...

I love sunrises and sunsets. Both are most wonderful parts of each day.

Your artwork is most beautiful.

It's been very hot here too. I'll be glad when this heatwave is over.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

jinxxxygirl said...

Hi Dixie,

Yes its been HOT here in Texas too... and now we've had a little bit of rain so now its HUMID too... uuughh.. You might mix a pinch of red with your green. It is opposite green on the color wheel and will darken it for you... just a touch.. Happy Belated T day! Enjoy your vacation! Hugs! deb

Christine said...

Lovely art! Praying for all affected by the forest fires. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

Spyder said...

Lovely post, thank you for your visit! Love the sun set and your flowery tea mug! But behind this week, actually, I'm always behind! Have a great week. Happy T day!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

A beautiful start to the day

Suzana said...

Nice to hear you again, Dixie!
Lovely photos and creations!
Have a fine week ahead! ❤️😘

Soma @ InkTorrents.com said...

It is hard to imagine heatwave and wildfires in Canada. Great to see you staying busy with artwork. Lovely paintings and the another wonderful portrait, Dixie! Safe travels!


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Your sunrise/sunset pictures are lovely (what gets you up at 5:36am?), and your Peony is gorgeous. Green Tea in the morning (or anytime, for that matter) is good for you :)
Your painting is delightful. I love Cone Flowers and I think a Gold Finch would love being included in such a painting :P
I used to grow Sunflowers when I lived on the lake and the Gold Finch would come at the end of summer and pick the sunflower seeds out. They are beautiful and sweet birds and I wish I still had them around. Happy for you that you do :)
Your drawing looks great to me ... we tend to be our own worst critics and so I beg to differ that there is anything about the drawing that needs improving. And, I could say the same for your pastels. You are a good artist in whatever medium you choose.
I am sorry that fires have wreaked havoc in your home town and I am glad it has been managed and everyone is able to get back into their homes. The heat has been terrible everywhere, though I have to say we have been back to normal levels of heat (80's) this last few days. Wishing you well and fingers crossed that the weather treats us all better in the near future :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Gene Black said...

Thanks for sharing part of your world with us. I don't usually see the sunrise either.

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful art, love the flowers, and the photos are great. I always wake up before sunrise, so I don't get enough sleep, but it's always beautiful! Have a great weekend, hugs!

Tom said...

...you live in a beautiful world and capture it in your art. Thanks for sharing it.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The extreme heat wave seems to be hitting a lot of places this summer. In Philadelphia it has been brutal. Sorry about your forest fires. Our weather seems to have become a little more normal in the past 2 days - thankfully and we were able to get out for walks. Your artwork is lovely

Granny Annie said...

I am blessed to live in the country and see the sun rise and set. The sky is a beautiful and restful site regardless of the weather and rainbows always bring joy. Your art is simply WOW!

DVArtist said...

Such a beautiful post. I love the photos, your mug and the flowers. Your drawing is stunning. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

Lisca said...

Beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I get to see many sunsets but not many sunrises as I don't usually get up that early.
Good that the evacuation order was lifted. Bush fires ar scary. I live in a very hot dry area (southern Spain) and every year we get warnings and sometimes I see fires in our area. Not nice.
Sorry I'm late. I have visitors and hardly a moment to myself.
Have a great weekend,

italiafinlandia said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your artworks are intriguing.
Enjoy your weekend!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I see you like being creative.

Gillena Cox said...

Luv the art you shared. Thank you for linkibgbto AFFF


Rostrose said...

I hardly see any sunrises anymore since I retired. And to be honest, I don't miss it, there are beautiful sunsets too and I experience them most of the time ;-DD But thanks to you, I have now seen great morning moods. The fact that you have forest fires is less nice. I read from your lines that you live in Newfoundland? Sad that it is already so hot there too... I am so glad that everyone was able to return to their houses.
I really like your painted works, I especially love the face.
I wish you a nice "travelling here and there" and hope we read each other again afterwards!
All the best from Austria and belated happy T-Day, Traude

Jeanie said...

Hi Dixie -- I thought I'd commented on this but I guess I didn't! I love the art you shared; it's lovely. And yay for goldfinches. They used to visit my feeders but not for several years. I hope your travels take you someplace fun and you love every minute!

Kinga K. said...

Pretty mug :D

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Good for you getting up early enough to see those beautiful sunrises! The heat has been oppressive this summer and so far for us in Phiadlephia no relief! I love peonies too.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you so much.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

They are lovely birds, and so much fun to watch.
Thank you, Mar.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh, that would be a great to watch Goldfinches at your feeder.
Thank you, CJ

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Veronica,
Yes, lovely to have positive news for sure.
Goldfinch added. Check. Fun to do. :)
Thank you, Veronica.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Elizabeth.
I so enjoy sunrises.
Love to watch the Goldfinches, but sometimes if they see you they
disappear so fast. Zoom—just a blurr of yellow. :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

You are most welcome.
Thank you for your visit.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Erika,
Many thanks.
T day—always a good day.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Sue.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Whew. It has been a hot year, but keeping cold here, thankfully.
Thank you for your visit and for hosting, Sandee.
I am afraid I am rather wordy. 😂

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thanks for the tip, Deb.
Hope it cooled down for you.
Looking forward to some time exploring..

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you so much, Christine.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thanks for your visit, Spyder, and your lovely comments.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

It certainly is, Carol.
I couldn't agree more.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Suzanne.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Andrea,

Sometimes I just wake up, and stumble to the balcony to
to see what might be happening.
Those are lucky days.
Yes, it’s been such a hot year everywhere. Looking forward to autumn.\ with the cooler temps—such a beautiful time of the year.
Enjoy the week, and thank you for your visit and for your lovely comments.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Always a plus to start the day with a sunrise and a cuppa.:)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Before sunrise you say. Now that is early.
I hope you got to tuck in a little longer this summer.
Thank you, Valerie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you so much, Tom.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Lovely to get out and walk. I like to take a stroll on warm summer evenings.
Just so heavenly.
Thank you.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I so agree. I love to see rainbows too.
And luckily we have had several rainbows this summer.
Thank you, Annie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh, thank you so much, Nicole.
And another big thank you for hosting too!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Lisca,
I hope things have settled down for you. Sounds like a busy summer.
Thank you for your visit.
Enjoy the week…

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I so enjoyed my visit.
Thank you.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Always fun to make something, especially if it is going well. :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

A big thank you, Gillena.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Traude,
Yes, so very lucky that people were able to return home.
I currently live in Ontario, but used to live in the Maritimes.
Lovely here too, but I do miss the sea.
Thank you so much.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thanks, Kinga.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I hope it is cooling down for you in Phili.
We are having cooler days now and then. Such a lovely relief. :)
Thank you.