". Arranged Words: Changes

8 Oct 2024


Hi everyone,

Top of the day to you!  I hope you all enjoyed the summer. 
It was a hot, hot summer over this way, but we are now enjoying the lovely early days of fall.

The above photo was taken last weekend. Changes are happening...a lot of the trees tops in town have been touched by frost, but as you can see autumn's paintbrush has barely touched the countryside. 

Unfortunately, after this outing, I injured my foot again. Even with physio, last time, it took a long time to heal enough (although not completely) so that I could get around. Wishing it heals quickly, this time, so that I can get out and about for what is shaping up to be a wonderful autumn. If not, well there is always the car etc.

                                                 Always enjoy seeing the steeples.

                                      And cupolas. This clock tower cupola is in Brockville.

Time to say something about the hurricane in the U.S. I was and am so sorry hear about the loss of lives and missing family members and overall devastation. Heartbreaking for people. But many people have stepped up  to help including, bless her, Dolly Parton. 
Praying for massive help in these early days and also with the rebuilding. And I am also praying that the latest hurricane that's on the way will go out to sea.


Quite a few books were read this year and throughout the summer. Here are a few.
Made a pact with myself not to buy books for awhile, so have been reading books from the library.

(But I had an epic relapse today and  ordered Jane Urquhart’s new book: In Winter I Get Up at Night.) Strange and intriguing title—can't wait to find out how it pertains to the novel.

The library's online app also excellent for magazines, movies etc. So very important, especially these days to support the library. We had inter-library loans cancelled at one point, and talk of closing rural libraries. For shame!
I won't go into details, but I especially enjoyed  Hamnet and The Feast, and well all of them. Thankfully, no tossers in this stack of books.

Love Tan Twan Eng’s writing. Such a longtime between books, but it was worth the wait.
 At one point, I wrote posts about different authors and books, but haven't done so for ages. If you are interested, here's a short review titled Spotlight on Tan Twan Eng from 2013.

Also, maybe you have read all or some of the books shown here. If so, it would be great to hear your comments.

* * *

                              You may remember a work in progress from last time. At the time, visions of a flying Goldfinch came to mind. While not quite a flyer, here's the finish.


                                              Acrylic on 10 x 10 linen panel.

                    There are two more of these linen panels... ideas are simmering as well.

                        Linking to Friday Face Off this week with the birdie and flower faces. 

 I've been working my way through one of Sargent's portrait booklets. Because I received a nasty slap on the wrist for a Master copy of a Sargent drawing I posted on Instagram, I am linking to the Friday Face Off with the birdie and flowers.
 I wrongly assumed (never assume) Master copies are acceptable; there are many on IG. Oh well, time to look for more open access photos to draw from, although I am still working my way through the Sargent booklet.

                                                Watercolours. Left Strathmore card on a NOT
                                      surface meaning of all things Not Hot Press or, specifically, cold  
                                      press watercolour paper.
                               Fun to try cold press. Would be great for enhancing the texture in                
                                landscape paintings.
                                      Seems I am  obsessed with cone flowers.
                                                            Confession:  They are easy to draw.
                            Matcha Latte with cinnamon and a little honey.
          My birthday was in August. So thankful and happy to complete another yearly whizz around the sun!  

One of my birthday gifts was the plaster bust; it holds my fountain pens, all except for a large one. Who knows where it came from. It is heavy and cumbersome.
                    Linking, among others, to T stands for Tuesday.


                              Linking, also, to other Link Parties via my link party page.

                                                        Thanks to all for hosting!
       Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post. I left replies there.

                                  Recently enjoyed a late dinner at a restaurant on the river.
               Time to say bye bye for now.
                                                      or spring, depending on where you are.

Cultivate Your Dreams


Mae Travels said...

I assume you know that “In winter I get up at night” is the first like of a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. If not, it’s here:
The book sounds quite interesting. I like your reading list.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Lisca said...

I loved seeing your books. No, I've not read any of them although I woud love to read the Tan Twan Eng book, as I really loved The Gift Of Rain.
Happy T-Day,

Suzana said...

I hope your leg is better now.
The images and creations are so beautiful. The last photo is amazing!
All the best and enjoy reading! Have a fine October!❤️😘

NCSue said...

Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery!
Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/10/budding-artist.html

Tom said...

..Dixie, I wish you many beautiful sunsets.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Summer here was a bit of a washout ! Your book pile looks interesting - I read Hamnet a couple of years ago - loved the way it was written! Happy T Day Chrisx

Let's Art Journal said...

I hope you are better soon, sending you wishes for a speedy recovery 😊. Loving the artwork that you created and the scenery is beautiful. Take care and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

My name is Erika. said...

This is a lovely T day post Dixie. You have some lovely summery photos, and some good books too. I love to read, and I'm always curious to see what other people read. I haven't read any of these though. And nice birthday bust too. I hope you had a wonderful T day and hope your foot is better soon. hugs-Erika

Angie // Garden Feast said...

Sounds like a perfect summer, except for the foot injury. As someone dealing with one for about a year, I am hoping we both get better.

magiceye said...

Lovely captures!

CJ Kennedy said...

Your goldfinch painting is charming. We have lots of goldfinches who enjoy nibbling the petals of the sunflowers. Happy T Day