". Arranged Words: Planning Ahead

20 Mar 2018

Planning Ahead

Dazzling sunshine streams through the windows and on the table potted daffodils help to ring in the first day of spring. The sun, the sun has returned. What a blessing! It has a bit of that wonderful radiating fierceness to it too, even though today is crisp and cold. But we have stepped over winter into spring and there's no turning back.

Out in the woods, they are busy at the sugar camp where the maple syrup flows. It's time for a hearty breakfast. (I am thinking tomorrow morning.) I have visions of eggs and pancakes dancing through my head.  Although I rarely have maple syrup, it does have a myriad of health benefits.  I recently read that they are thinking of using it to enhance the potency of antibiotics.

My seed order arrived, so I am making plans for my containers. These seeds are from the amazing floret flower farm. I am expecting great things, especially since I read that the sweet peas will grow from 6 to 8 feet. Wow! They require full sun which I don't have, but I do have morning sun and hopefully that will be enough to spark the process. If not, well I know a few people that might be persuaded to plant a few seeds in their garden. After all, who could resist?
Love-In-A Mist looks like another wonder, along with Icelandic and Shirley poppies and malope.

Currently reading floret's wonderful book. I'd love to take the gardening course, but then I would need at least an acre of land to cultivate that dream.

The pottery: a flea market find from the weekend.
                                                Along with these salt dishes or, salt cellars.
                                              As you can see, I've been working with paperclay again. I've made a few small dishes and these will be needle minders.

    I love to draw on small cards. I may get a few of these printed. I am slowly planning my order.

'Til next time... Enjoy your early spring or fall weekend. . .  
                                                                        Cultivate your Dreams.


Kim said...

Nothing sings Spring quite like Daffodils! I love the sound of 8' high Sweet Peas. I hope yours grow way up to the sky. Amazing drawings on those small cards, Dixie. You really are such a talented artist! Love your pottery flea market find. The paintbrushes look fabulous sitting in it. A lovely Spring day to you, lovely Dixie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Kim.
Wouldn’t that be lovely: a Jill and the sweet pea type of thing! :) I can’t believe they grow to 6 to 8 feet high!
A lucky day at the flea market, for sure.
And I woke up to another lovely sunny day here...so welcome!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Can't believe I missed this post, glad I stopped by just so. Eggs and pancakes sound so good! It's my favourite. Love-In-A-Mist - such an exotic name. Your brushes look beautiful in the pottery. Makes one want to sit and doodle with paint. The salt cellars are so pretty, I have never seen them before. Will you paint the needle minders? The cards look very soft and delicate. So many wonderful finds in one post, Dixie!


NatureFootstep said...

love your flower cards :)

Penny said...

Dixie... I'm delighted to see you are creating. I wish I could say the same thing. Haven't done a painting in ages and miss it. Maybe you will inspire me? I'll try to be more neighborly. Been a bit stressful around here. Fracturing my tailbone didn't help. Love the Arranged Words Blog photo. Amazing colors.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you,Soma.
They had a wonderful array of pottery. I can see pottery brush holders more in my future.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

So nice to"see" you, Penny.
Yes,do pick up those brushes. You are a wonderful painter! And I miss seeing your creations.
I'm sorry to hear about your injury. I hope it heals soon.
TC xo