". Arranged Words: All About Wildflowers

13 Mar 2018

All About Wildflowers

Hi there,

I've noticed that certain wildflowers like to create a statement by growing in great drifts. The trout lilies form a carpet and Solomon's Seal seem to drift like clouds through the woodlands. On a good year, they are a sight to behold. But there are several varieties of wildflowers here that I have yet to see. For example, I 'd love to see a yellow Lady Slipper and the Bluebells.

One of my co-workers used to bring Mayflowers to work. What a heavenly scent! I may be able to find them in the woods along the Parkway. I hope to go exploring there this year. In the meantime, I decided to create a few wildflowers of my own.

                                                                   Wild Geranium
Ontario's flower: the Trillium

 Definitely hands on. Since it won't wash off, I'm hoping it will wear off by, say, July.  :)
                                                     Gift tags and envelopes.

                        Trout Lily ~ sienna and black ink on Strathmore mixed media cards.
I ended up carving two trilliums stamps. Apparently, precision counts.

      White gel pen on Strathmore paper.

            Wildflowers: Solomon's seal, Trout lily, Trillium, Bloodroot, Turk's cap lilies, ferns, and a Monarch butterfly.

Just now, I hear the geese overhead. Music to my ears. ( Running to and throwing open the window.) I heard them a few times recently. They are flying home for the season.

Next: A sample of what was and is yet to be. 'Yet to be?'

Sounds familiar? Googling.  Ah yes. I remember now. "The best is yet to be." Robert Browning's full quote: "Come and grow old with me. The best is yet to be." Lovely! ( But I digress...)

                                                               Solomon's Seal
                                       "Do you suppose she's a wildflower?", said the daisy.
From Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ~ Lewis Carroll

"Wildflowers are the stuff of my heart."
Lady Bird Johnson

* * *
And finally, to give a nod to the green. A Shamrock ~ Happy St. Patrick's Day!

'Til next time, lovely people. . .Cultivate your dreams.


Kim said...

Wildflowers, any flowers....are the stuff of my heart. =) A carpet of wildflowers is always a joyous sight to behold. Love your wildflowers, Dixie and your white gel art work is amazing. Enjoy your Spring and flowers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your beautiful wildflowers, Dixie. You are a very creative soul. And we are the benefactors of your creativity. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. Love, Joannie

Carolyn said...

I was really excited to see the print stamps you carved... and what you printed with them. I think you are really on to something! Lovely work!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Your wildflower collection looks amazing, Dixie! I have always wanted to try stamp curving, your stamps are really inspiring. The white on black drawing is lovely! Although you are still in late winter, but the plants will slowly wake up, drink up all the meltwater and cover everything with beautiful colours.


Lorraine said...

Love that blue trillium you've designed and stamped. I'll have to remember to take some pictures of the bluebells for you. That and wild phlox are the only wildflowers around here that tend to drift, the phlox only on good years as you say. Can't wait for the flowers to start. The peepers were out a couple of weeks ago when it was warm, but we've had a couple of snows since then. Love the sound of them in the evening.

betty-NZ said...

How lovely to make your own bouquet! Your photos are so nicely done!

likeschocolate said...

I haven't made a print block in a long time, but I really enjoyed meaking them as a kid. Your lily's are lovely! have a great week.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Kim.
And you have the most wonderful gardens. And with so many glorious roses! I love to follow the season down your way via your lovely pictures...so dreamy and inviting.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Joannie,
Thank you.
I suspect you'll have beautiful blooms very soon. Your wonderful rhododendron must be getting big.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I've been thinking of carving larger lino cuts to print on cards. But I may never get out from under the ink. :)
Thank you, Carolyn. Enjoy spring...I know you love it as much as I do!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh, do give carving a try, Soma. I bet you'd be great at it.
The woods and fields will wake up slowly and dazzle us with wonder.
A big thank you!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

I would love to see your pictures of the bluebells. Yes, the peepers mean spring, for sure. Where I live, I don't get to hear them much, but I can always get in the car and go where they are.Not quite the same as laying in bed listening to them peep though.
Thank you, Lorraine. Enjoy the peeps!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Betty,
Thank you.
Bouquets are lovely. I'd like to be surrounded with them all the time.
I bet you have lovely wildflowers in N.Z. I must look them up to see all that beauty.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you.
Maybe it's time to fish out your carving tools, once again. They are fun to make!
Enjoy the week...