". Arranged Words: You Never Know

19 Apr 2022

You Never Know

Hi everyone,

By the time tulips have reached this stage, it's generally time toss them out. Because of the beautiful colour, I left them until the petals began to drop. 

Snow drifted down last night. I do like a surprise though, and a white world this late in the spring fills that category.  Needless to say, this spring has been a cool one. (You never know there could be snow.)

Yesterday I just had to go to the woods. Since I injured my foot last June, I haven't been going too far. I finished physiotherapy last week, and it still hasn't healed. So, the physiotherapist recommended shockwave therapy even though she said she couldn't endure it. That did make me laugh because, really, what a recommendation! I will ruminate on that one. To me, it doesn't seem wise to shock an injury, although the idea of it is to reduce scar tissue. The other and last option besides a brace I've ordered to wear at night is a cortisone shot.

Below, the tiny green sprouts of the Trout Lilies. When they bloom a wonderful carpet of yellow will fill the undergrowth. Although they are the first flowers that bloom, in the woods, in spring, they can be quite tender. Fingers crossed that the snow is kind to them. 

In May there will be an art exhibition at the mall. Three entries are allowed. I have a few paintings in mind but, besides the one below, I will likely paint two new paintings. I will frame the painting below as soon as my point driver arrives. Not something I've done before, and pastels have to be framed so that the painting doesn't touch the mat or dust may fall on the mat. Spacers are used, but I haven't been able to find any, but I can use acid free foam core. Are you with me lady luck?
                                                  Pastel on Pastel mat paper 8 x 10 inches.

                                          A few new soft pastels from Great American. 

                                             Pastel on pastel mat Approximately 13 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches

If you've been reading here awhile, you may remember this painting. I kept wanting to add a boat to it, and finally figured out how.

             I am happy to report that my computer problems are all sorted thanks to my son, Jesse. 

Have a lovely day... 'Til next time...

Cultivate Your Dreams

Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. 

The parties cover most of the globe; there’s much to see and admire, so do stop in for a few visits. 

                                          Special thanks to the hosts.



Aritha V. said...

What a beautiful paintings. I love the colors.

Veronica Lee said...

Love the paintings! How beautiful!

Happy Wednesday!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful pastels
Shockwave therapy, I have no idea what that is.
My arthritic big toe that couldn't bend well, a not healed right break turned arthritis, well, years later, I stubbed it slammed hard. To my surprise, the pain was minimal, and after that, the toe can bend! I told my doctors, osteo and primary about it. Was a shock to me.

Suzana said...

Sorry to hear about your health problem. I do not know what you have, but there are also some natural remedies from plants...

Lovely images and paintings, as usual. I have a question. The cardboard for pastels is different or is a normal one? I never tried, but I want to.
The tulips from the pot have to be changed each year, or they grow again from the same root? Thank you!
Have a fine week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Thank God for wonderful sons, eh, Dixie! My son is wonderful too, so very helpful. I love your paintings. There is so much more movement and the canoe is glorious. I do love empty canoes and benches, too! Never been sure why. I'm sorry about your foot, too, Dixie. I think my daughter has the same thing and she goes to a chiropractor and her daughter-in-law does 'stuff' (not sure what she's called) and stretches her which helps. Lynda used to drag her foot before getting help. I hope you had a happy Easter, Dixie. Love, Joannie

Amila said...

These are lovely paintings. Soft colours and visually appealing.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Aritha.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Veronica,
Thank you.
Happy Wednesday to you too!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Good for you Joannie. A good son is wonderful!
Thank you so much.
Sorry to hear about your daughter's foot. Strange how these things happen.
I hope her foot heals soon. I so enjoyed Easter. I hope you did too.
Best wishes, Joannie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Amila. Much appreciated.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you.
As far as I know, the shockwaves break up scar tissue.
Glad to hear that your toe can bend properly.
Enjoy the week.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Suzana,
I use Pastel Mat, and sometimes Uart sanded paper. Sanded paper can be hard on the hands though.
You can also make your own pastel paper using watercolour paper and a couple of coats of either pastel primer or gesso. Or you can use plain watercolour paper. I would assume it's cold press, but I have not tried it.
Canson has Mi-Teintes and Mi-Teintes touch. The touch is for pastel and mix media. I've used it once, so more experimenting to do.
And also there's Vic Bearcroft's Pastel Velour Pads. I haven't tried it yet.
And there are many more papers as well, including Art Spectrum which I hear is good. Printmaking paper also works, but, again, I have not tried it. So there are many, many options. I hope you give pastel painting a go. Happy Painting!
If you have any more questions, just let me know.
They are store bought tulips. After they finish blooming, you can plant the tulip bulbs outside.
Once they build some strength, they will probably bloom the second year.
You have a lovely week too, Suzana!

magiceye said...

The paintings are beautiful and so is the flower!

Jeanie said...

Dixie, I am so impressed with your blog and art, I've signed up to follow by mail. Thank you so much for coming by Marmelade Gypsy, too. I love your pastels. They remind me a bit of the work of Heidi Marshall, one of my favorite pastel artists. It's a medium I've never been able to master, though I sometimes integrate a bit into my watercolors.

I was reading through your profile and we share many common interests. I hope your spring is here to stay. Here in Michigan, ours comes in fits and starts -- freezing one day, several days later predicted to be 80 degrees (I'm not sure of what that is in C but it's hot!). We'll see. Lots of rain but earlier in the week we had snow. April is hard to predict but it comes with a promise and that counts for a great deal. Best of luck with your framing and I'll look forward to more posts from you. ~ jeanie

betty-NZ said...

Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

Kim said...

The painting you are going to enter into the art exhibition is lovely, Dixie. The addition of the boat in the other painting is fabulous. I love petals that drop from a flower onto the ground as I think they are still lovely. =)

NCSue said...

Beautiful! I'm so glad you came by to share at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/04/ukranian-church-national-shrine-of-holy.html. Best wishes at the exhibition. You have such talent!

riitta k said...

Dried tulip petals are pretty. I saved recently yellow ones. I love your painting with a tree and a flower meadow.
Injuries take a long time to heal. I broke my right ankle badly in the summer of 2018, almost 4 years ago. It took ages until I could walk propely. Don’t loose faith!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

I am so sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you won't have to do shockwave therapy. The picture of the woods is lovely and really beautiful paintings. I do like the boat. Well done, Jesse! I knew he would be able to take care of it for you :)


Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you very much, Sue!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Tulips are so pretty. I will definitely save the petals to dry next time
I buy some tulips.
Sorry to hear you broke your ankle. But thank you for letting me know about the healing time and for your support.
Have a lovely weekend.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Your paintings are beautiful! Hope you find relief for your foot. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Sharon Wagner said...

Your paintings are very peaceful and pretty. Spring on canvas.