". Arranged Words: Autumn Has Arrived

17 Oct 2023

Autumn Has Arrived

Hi everyone,

 So far this year the autumn colours are not as intense as usual. Someone said it is because the summer was so hot. Still there are flashes of brightness here and there, and, perhaps, if the rain stays away, there's still time for the fall colours to put on a big show.

Temps are cool and the nights are, of course, closing in early. Time to cozy up with a throw and a good book in the evenings, or perhaps some knitting.

I've been busy farming pastel paintings for the juried art show in November.  I forgot to take a photo of them before framing. Now that they are behind glass it is not that easy to get a glare free photo. My son, at one time, had a small digital camera that had a function for taking photos behind glass. It worked so well.

          Probably no one wants to hear this, but since this is a diary of sorts, I can finally bring myself to say that my Mother (Celeste Mary) passed away in April. Mom was 99 years old, and she was exactly two months away from her 100th birthday. 
I know how fortunate we, as a family, were to have her with us for so long, but I do miss her so much.

                                            Have this photo on my list as a reference to paint from
                                                             I am thinking watercolour.

                                         I just love these ornamental cabbages. They've got style. 

                                                                   New England Asters.

                                                       Solomon Seal ~ Still pretty, I think.
                                                                     * * *

I recycled Pastelmat for this little painting. How? Well, you can actually wash off a painting that didn't work out, and begin again. Just rinse under water, and use some paper towel to remove more of the pastel and dry it off.  Then I usually place the Pastelmat inside paper towel and weight it down with books until it dries. Of course it doesn't come perfectly clean, and you can't add as many layers. Also, it is not as easy to paint on as the original paper, but it still works quite well.

'Til Next Time...
Enjoy Autumn or Spring wherever you may be.

Cultivate Your dreams

                                       Linking to Link Parties via my link party page. 

                                                   Thanks to all for hosting.  



Lydia C. Lee said...

The 2 tone cabbage is fantastic!!

Lydia C. Lee said...


Taken For Granted said...

Lovely fall scenes and fall blooms. Thanks for your comment today on my blog. Milkweed is critical for the survival of the Monarch Butterfly.

Suzana said...

I comment from my phone. From computer is impossible. The photos are lovely. And your composition is beautiful. I am not sure what kind of base is it. Do you have a link about it?
Have a fine week, Dixie!❤

Jeanie said...

Oh Dixie, I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. Yes, 99 is a long while and lucky to have her for that time, to be sure. But it doesn't make the loss any less, not having the phone chat or a visit and then reminders when you least expect them. I send you wishes for peace and healing.

Well, we did NOT have a hot summer and our color here is far from great. It was better up north but two hours away much hasn't even turned. Go figure.

Tom said...

...autumn is a fabulous time and your pictures prove it! Have a great week.

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindas calabazas. Te mando un beso.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh wonderful autumn photos ~ love the pumpkins ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

NCSue said...

Autumn is my favorite time of year. The only drawback is that winter approaches!
Thank you for sharing these lovely fall photos at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/10/a-few-more-clicks-from-cedar-creek.html

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Many people are planting Milkweed, so great to see.
Thank you for your visit.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Autumn does spark the senses. And I agree. It is a beautiful time of the year.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Can't live without those cute pumpkins.:)
Hugs to you too.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Carol. And also thank you for the wonderful wishes.
Best Wishes and everything nice to you too!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Yes, winter is there holding the door ajar.
But there's no entry for awhile yet. :)
I agree. Fall is a wonderful time of year!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

HI Suzana,
No sorry no link, but you can buy Pastelmat on Amazon.
Pastelmat holds a lot of layers, and it is so much easier on the hands than Uart
sanded paper, although I do use Uart from time to time.
That great part about it is you can brush off a mistake or wash it off as I was saying.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Exceptional beautiful cabbage, especially next to the bright green.
Next year I hope to have one bloom is all its glory.


Beautiful capture of fall blooms and nature.
You can check out my new post here: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2023/10/retirement-dilemma-selling-your-home-for-care-costs.html

Thank you

Christine said...

Lovely fall photos!

dee Nambiar said...

Beautiful images. Lovely colors from your corner of the world. I hope fall colors come your way soon. :)
(Sorry to hear about your loss. Sending hugs! :)

My name is Erika. said...

These are lovely autumn views. Isn't fall such an amazing season?

Yvonne said...

Your fall has some nice colors in it. I am so sad to hear that your mother passed away. All my love to you.

Gillena Cox said...

WOW!!! Your ornamental cabbage is so pretty. Thanks for sharing your photos and art. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday


Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Melody.
Have a good weekend

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thanks, Christine.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you for your lovely comments, Dee.
Much appreciated.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Fall always brings so much goodness with it.
It truly is a remarkable season.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you, Yvonne.
I do appreciated you comments.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

The cabbage did make me do a double take.
Thank you and
thank you for hosting, Gillena.

Tanza Erlambang said...

love autumn... beautiful

John's Island said...

Wow, hello Dixie! I say “wow” because I feel lucky to have found your blog thanks to your kind comment on mine. I love the way you are capturing nature and using your photos as a reference to paint from. I was curious about the 2nd image … wondering where the location was given the wonderful colors of the fall vegetation. So, I went over to your Profile and see that you are in Ontario, and, for anyone who hasn’t looked at your Profile, go over and check out the excellent pics from Nova Scotia. Thanks again for sharing and best regards from Seattle. John

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Contrary to what you are observing, our fall colors have been intense and beautiful this year. I don't know where you live compared to me, but if it is close enough (midwest), feel free to take a ride our way and enjoy. You won't be able to take your eyes off all the beauty. Your photos are lovely and I agree the ornamental cabbages are beautiful. I have some pictures of them as well that I should share. Wishing you a better than you think fall, Dixie ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain said...

I didn't know that about the Pastelmat, thanks for sharing! I think the star of the show is that cabbage Dixie! And my heart goes out to you, to have lived 99 years is amazing. ♥♥

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

It is a wonderful season.
Thank you, Tanza

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi John,
Many thanks for your lovely comments and for your visit.
The second image is from a marsh here in Ontario.
Enjoy the week.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Andrea,
I was out today and noticed quite a lot of colour. :)
I am in Ontario, so not very close to your beautiful area.
Thank you and Best Wishes...

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you so much, Rain.
Yes, Mom definitely saw a lot of decades. And we have many
lovely memories.
Best Wishes to you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I am sorry to hear about your mother Dixie! It is good to know that she had a long life well lived but I also know that doesn't mean you don't miss her. (My mom lived well into her 90s and I'm getting awfully close to that decade myself now, but I still think of things I wish I'd asked her...) ..... Your floral paintings are so lovely. I used to have that same point and shoot camera as your sonwith all those wonderful settings including thruu glass. Wish I could find one of those again!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Thank you so much, Sallie.
I appreciate your kind comments.
They were great cameras. I am keeping an eye out for one.
I think that particular camera came from Korea.
Have a lovely week...


The leaves are golden and bright.

Feel free to take a look at my latest fashion post.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend