". Arranged Words

12 Apr 2016

A Great Day for The Draw

We've been having a mixed bag of weather. Apparently, spring wants to take a little longer to arrive because we've had two snowstorms lately, but that's okay I can see the buds on the trees. I know things are happening underground and above it. All we need is a little more time and the cocooned leaves will burst out with glee after just a few warm days of sunshine.

But I digress this post is suppose to be about the draw, isn't it? Yes, it is. So without further adieu... I've pulled out my sun hat, dusted it off and dropped in the names; we gave it two or three shakes and my son, Jesse, drew from the depths Barbara Lillian's name. Congratulations Barbara! Barbara's choice from the above two prints (Marsh Wren and Ahoy) was the Ahoy birdie with his maritime flag, poking out from his sailor's hat that expressively says, "I wish to communicate with you."

He'll be winging his way over to Barbara hopefully as soon as tomorrow. I will be contacting her soon.
A special thank you to those who entered!

Enjoy the week...

5 Apr 2016

Shoppe Launch Plus the Maestro

I opened a shop on Tictail. I heard about Tictail on Instagram, and I really liked their store front  designs, coupled with a straight forward setup. They have a wide range of stores--from upscale to individual craft stores. 
At this point, my little corner shoppe has a few prints on offer. (I'll add more prints as time goes on. Hopefully, a few more in blue, too.)  You can find the shoppe here.

The Maestro.
I had originally planned black tie but, being me, I couldn't resist painting his tails blue.
Work in progress. I call this point the breath holding stage ~  one slip of the brush and it could be all over but the crying. 

I used Fabriano Artistico 140 lb watercolour paper. I prefer painting on Fabriano paper because if I drop paint, I can usually lift it without damaging the paper. It's sturdy.
 For music buffs, yes that's a radical treble cleft.  Actually, it's a bird cleft for bird notes. :)

* * * 

There's still time to enter the giveaway for your choice of one of two prints that I am giving away to celebrate my shoppe opening. It's open to new/recent followers as well as those who have been reading along--some for almost three years now. xo  
Thanks to each one of you! 

To enter please leave a comment. Here's the link.

'Til next time. Have a lovely week!

29 Mar 2016

Watercolour Print Giveaway

You may remember that I wrote awhile ago about opening an online shoppe. It has taken awhile because we do not have a printer in town who prints artwork, so I've been working with an out-of-town printer. At this point, I am pleased to say I now have a few prints on hand. Of course, there are other details to be worked out, but things are slowly coming together. (In the beginning, I'll have the two prints for sale.)

In the meantime, I am delighted to offer one of my prints (6 x 8 inches)  in this giveaway.

To enter, please leave a comment below with which print you would like to receive should you be the  winner (If you are following via a reader or email, or do not have a blog, or I don't know how to contact you, please leave your contact information.) 

 On April 12th, your names will be tossed into the hat, and the winner will be drawn by my son, Jesse.

Best of Luck!
Marsh Wren 

 ( The prints are printed on 100% cotton rag paper. They are archival and acid free.)
The Ahoy birdie sports a maritime signal flag in his sailor hat. In case you do not know, ( I didn't know when I was thinking about the painting,) the flag means "I wish to communicate with you."

The winner's print will be mailed in a cardboard envelope bearing a clear do not bend sign. For extra protection, your print will also be placed between two pieces of chipboard, inside an acid free sleeve. It will be signed on the front by me. All reproduction rights, of course, remain with me.
Thank you to my lovely readers via all channels!

Enjoy the week...

24 Mar 2016

Dapper Dan/Trillium/Happy Easter

 Outside just now--howling wind and driving snow, but still it won't be long before warmer weather arrives, although March appears to have plans to go out like a lion too.

Dapper Dan will soon be on my painting board.

 A trillium. It takes awhile to build up the colour.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter!

15 Mar 2016

Watercolour ~ Rose Hips

 I recently picked these rose hips along the road side. It was a blustery day and I didn't have anything to cut them with, but, thankfully, after a lot of tugging they came free. Obviously, they survived the winter under a warm blanket of snow.
 When I was finally ready to paint, the rose hips had lost what was left of the round plump look, but I like to have a real plant for reference.
As you can see, as the light changes in a room so does the colour and shadow areas of whatever plant that you might be using as a guide. I thought about adding a grey shadow underneath the rose hips but decided to leave it. However, it would add a touch of realism.

Because I used heavy paper, which is difficult to cut, I didn't have the nerve to try and deckle the top edge so I left it.

Next: a Trillium. I'd like to paint a few more cards for Easter...a daffodil and a rose?  Perhaps. I haven't quite decided yet.

Thanks for reading along...Enjoy the week.

2 Mar 2016

Like A Lion

A little blurry...the wind had plans.

What happened to Tuesday?  If you are new here, I generally post on Tuesday and it slipped away from me this week, so for today it's Tuesday's post on Wednesday.

March roared in like a lion.  Last night the windows rattled and freezing rain splattered against the glass in a fury, keeping me awake but still I felt grateful to be tucked into my nice warm bed. If the old wives tales be true, then March will exit softly on little lambs feet. I'm looking forward to it.

After shopping in a few fabric stores, I finally found some ribbon. It's not exactly what I had in mind,  although it does work well...so airy and pretty.
# 3 in my Staying Alive Series. An Eastern Meadowlark and Eastern Flowering Dogwood.  I hope to paint this picture sometime soon. 
Meadowlarks like cover so they hop about in the tall grass but seek out a high point for  singing. It's a wonderful welcome to spring song.

For those in the north country, soon there will be "pussy willows and cattails" (from a Gordon Lightfoot song) and bird song. 

'Til Next time...Enjoy!

23 Feb 2016

Watercolour Gift Tags and A Lotus Flower

My mother loves Easter and when we were children she usually bought us pastel dresses etc. to celebrate the season and to ring in spring. In particular, I remember a beautiful multi-coloured pastel dress, sweet white socks and black patent leather shoes, topped off with a wee white straw purse with (you guessed it) an ornate ducks head on top.  So since Easter is not far away, those memories my mother created for me triggered my need to create a little beauty. I opted for these simple watercolour tags. They are pretty and easy to make, although they do take time.
I was hoping to add ribbon but I can't find any 1/4 inch pastel ribbon.  So I may have to settle for pastel twine, although I have my heart set on soft-hued pink, blue, and yellow ribbon. ( I know it's only a gift tag, but, hey, there are standards!)

If you are interested, here's how I made them.  I cut the tags out of watercolour paper using a template. Then I splashed the front of two of the cards with water (two cards--all I could manage at one time) and randomly dabbed on the paint that I had watered down before hand. After letting the water dry a little while or longer, (drying time changes how the salt reacts) I sprinkled the cards with coarse and fine salt. Once they dried, I brushed off the salt and continued on to the other side.  I left a few cards plain on the reverse side, although I do like the texture that the salt creates.
Luckily, I found a forgotten bird punch in my hoard of craft supplies to top off the tag.

Recently off the drawing board and keeping with the pastel theme: a lotus flower. They are such lovely flowers. We have waterlilies in Canada which are beautiful as well. I'd love a pond full! To emerge pristine and  beautiful from muddy beginnings has made the lotus symbolic for many religions, including Christianity. 

 I hope to paint a few more flowery watercolour cards to pop in the mail for Easter. 

And lastly, (well almost)  here's a link for my instagram account. If you follow, I will definitely follow you back.

Thanks for reading along...Have a wonderful week!

16 Feb 2016

Inspiration on the Wing

Another doodle that I finished over the weekend. Most of my sketches have a bird in them. They are such delightful creatures--creators of mystery and wonder. 
Recently my son, Jesse, and I were out feeding the birds. When these chickadees, inquisitive and a little cautious, flew down for a seed they did pause to stare at us. Hopefully, when we  go back to visit, they will remember the funny wingless beings bearing hard seeds to crack.

A fuzzy pic taken with my too cold phone in my left hand.

A quick sketch of a Lyre Bird.
 If you haven't seen this short video, it's definitely worth watching. It's narrated by David Attenborough. In case I haven't said it yet, I'd really like to meet him!

"I realized that If I had to choose, I would rather have birds
than airplanes. "
Charles Lindbergh

And to sum up: "I'd like to paint the way a bird sings." Monet

 May your week be filled with wonder.

'Til next time...

9 Feb 2016

Staying Alive Series #4

Last week I went to an art demonstration. I never thought I'd have so much fun watching paint dry. Really though, I was captivated by Pierre's technique (he uses oils). I do have a picture of the wonderful painting that he finished in two hours, but since I didn't ask for permission to post it, I won't. It was, however, a great experience and I do recommend going to a art demo if you have the chance.

Below another sketch in the Staying Alive Series #4. I haven't posted #3, but I hope to paint it soon. If you just popped in, I started this series recently.  For an explanation, see this post.

Louisiana Water thrush (special concern), Lakeside Daisy (threatened), Hill's Pond weed,(sc) Karner Blue Butterfly, (extirpated) Laura's Clubtail Dragonfly. (endangered). 
 The Maestro finally flew to the painting board. (You may remember this sketch from an earlier post.) The colour I chose for the harp doesn't quite work, so it's back to the painting board.

A very warm welcome to new members and thank you for signing up. I'll be visiting you soon.

Enjoy a lovely week.

'Til next time...

2 Feb 2016

The Blue and White Series ~ Botanical Blueprints continued

I was afraid that it might happen and it seems it has. My blue pen, with a mind of its own, has taken over my sketches. But I've also ordered a sepia pen because I've always loved the old sepia paintings and sketches, so perhaps there's hope for me yet.
Lorraine, who blogs at Paper Vernissage, mentioned that my blue sketches remind her of  blueprints, so she cleverly came up with the name "Botanical Blueprints."  Thank you, Lorraine. I do love that name!

Next up, sketches that I've been contemplating naming The Staying Alive Series because these sketches include or will include birds, plants, mammals, fish, mollusks etc, that are either endangered, threatened, on the special concern list, or have been extirpated from this area. Unfortunately, if I expand Canada wide, I will probably find enough material to keep me occupied for a long time. But I do feel compelled to draw and later paint some of these wonderful birds, plants etc. because they are simply fabulous and do enrich our world with their unique beauty and, in the case of the birds, their wonderful songs.
Of special concern, the Canada Warbler because 90% of their habitat in South America has disappeared and their habitat is shrinking in Canada as well.
Also included on the special concern list the West Virginia White Butterfly, an American Hart's Tongue Fern, and, unfortunately, the glorious wee Bird's Foot Violet is no longer in this area.

An endangered Prothonotary Warbler. And in the picture an elm tree. (Did I mention I love trees?) That innocent looking beetle to the left is the cause of Dutch Elm Disease. The good great news: the elm has been cloned to keep them from extinction by the by professor Praveen Saxena at the University of Guelph.
Someone ask about my latest sketchbook. Its by Alexander Hendry of A Graphic. I am searching for more.

 * * *
I have a new server, so if you've noticed a new email subscription from me on your site that's why. I've also re-subscribe in readers.  Also, it's regretful that Google decided to expel anyone that has signed up on Google Friend Connect who doesn't have a google account from our lists, so for those people that I've lost from on GFC, please re-subscribe via email or a reader.

Enjoy the week...

26 Jan 2016

Sketch in Blue and White

Because I love blue, I decided to expand my horizons and sketch in blue with white accents, although in these pictures, taken without a flash on this overcast day, the white area looks more like cream. I do, however, realize that sketching with a blue Micron pen might plunge me into the danger zone. Why? Because I may never change colours again. Seriously, though, it is fun.

I also fancy blue and white porcelain, but, unfortunately, I do not own any. In the spring, when the flea markets open, I will look for a few pieces. At one point, though, I did own a blue and white vase for growing crocuses. Unfortunately, it got lost in a move. Blue windmills swept around the vase. It was lovely. Who knows maybe one of these days I may draw a few old blue windmills too.
'Til next time. Enjoy the week...

13 Jan 2016

Favourite Things

So far the winter has been mild and with the light increasing each day my thoughts, as they usually do this time of year, turn to flowers, seeds and all that grows and, of course, all that chirps too.
In the city last week, I noticed some tulips and I couldn't resist buying them. Besides, they make great reference material for drawing.

 O, yes, and a few pink carnations.  I tend to overlook these beauties, however, they are pretty and they last a long time.

I've been drawing Amaryllis flowers and using dividers to measure them.  To me, they are even larger than they look!

A Jacamar
He probably looks familiar because last time you saw his head, but the second time around I've changed things a little.
Jarcmars live in South and Central America. Sometimes, if the mood strikes, they will  fly up to Mexico. 
The birdie in the photo is not quite as colourful as it really is. 

Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the week! 

5 Jan 2016

Pretty to Look At

On Sunday, after almost a full day spent painting, I decided it was time for a treat.
These French macarons look so good, no? Wished I could say, yes. They are a too sweet for me but, my, they are pretty.  I do, however, love French butter cakes or Madeleines and even though I made some for Christmas, to appease the sweet tooth, I reckon I will whip up another batch.

Taken last summer. The fan was a gift that I received a couple of years ago from you know who. Thanks again.  I've always wanted one.

 Next week my red Amaryllis will bloom, I hope.

A sample of what's on my desk. He's not quite they way I wanted him, so I have another one on the board, waiting for his watercolour bird bath.
* * *

I was happy to watch the first episode of the last series of Downton Abbey.  I've heard that Mr. Fellowes is considering making a Downton movie for television. I hope he does! 
In case you don't know, he's also writing another historical drama named Belgravia. It begins in April, but apparently it will be on an app., weekly with eleven enhanced episodes. You can either read or listen. Sounds neat.

'Til Next Time...